Several years ago I got immersed in a first-person shooter video game. Sucked in. I gave it my time. My energy. My thoughts. When I wasn’t playing, I was waiting to play. When I sat in front of the computer, two hours would pass incredibly quickly. It was a rush.
Video games are fun. There are some things that you can’t do, though. If you turn where a wall is, you can’t go through the wall. You know the room you want is on the other side of the wall, but you have to go all the way around. Do you know why? It’s not your game.
You may play the game. You may have bought it, but it’s not your game. You can’t turn and enter that room because the code the game is written in won’t let you. As long as you play that game you’ll be limited by another person’s imagination or their purpose.
Do you want to play somebody else’s game? Here’s a better question. What would your game look like? Where would you set the limits?
Feel free to apply these questions to the rest of your life.