Monday, July 11, 2016

Anagram of Scared

My friend Terry just made me think. Very annoying in that way, Terry is.
We are given so many opportunities to be scared. Turning off the news damps it down a bit. But we are scared for each other. More troubling, we often are scared of each other. We are scared of the coming election. We are scared of the economy. We are scared about job security. We are just plain fearful.
It looks like we have everything we need. It's just in the wrong order. What if instead of scared we realized we have so many opportunities to be sacred? God is love. If you're not feeling particularly sacred at the moment, stop and love somebody. There you go. You're doing just fine at sacred. Now be sacred for somebody else. Change it up. Pick somebody you don't know. Even better, pick somebody you believe can't do anything for you. You're probably wrong, but go for it.
If we look for ways to be a light for somebody, we have less time for fear. If somebody is returning the favor, well then there are two lights, aren't there? Fear doesn't do well in the light. If you're of a mind to, share this. One person at a time let's generate a gajillion megawatts of light and send fear scurrying for a dark corner that is nowhere to be found. 
I'll start. I love you. If you are reading this, you are special to me. I want no fear between us. If you feel any, let's talk. 
That's one light. Please make another.

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